In Case You Missed It

The Polytechnic holds national conference on land governance
September 11, 2017, Lusungu Munthali
The Polytechnic holds national conference on land governance

Featured Biography

Mr Ronald Roy Masoka - Procurement

2024/2025 Intake for Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Insurance and Risk Management

Announcement   Registrar   January 16, 2025

The Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) is pleased to announce names of candidates who have been selected under the Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Risk and Insurance Management for the 2024/2025 academic year.


Opening Dates for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

Selected candidates should report at the University for orientation as follows:

Bachelor of Laws (Honours): 20th January to 24th January,2025

Bachelor of Insurance and Risk Management (Year 3 candidates): 25th and 26th January,2025.

Candidates selected under year 2 of Bachelor of Insurance and Risk Management will join the cohort of students who will be selected in the 2025/2026 academic year, as they are not enough to form a class.


Tuition Fees per Annum

K650,000        Generic

K1,000,000     Mature and Upgrading

Admission letters will be sent to the individual contact addresses indicated when submitting the application.


Board and Lodge

All candidates have been selected on non-residential basis and therefore, are required to make their own arrangements for accommodation, transport and meals.


Warning against Swindlers

The University does not transact through agents and does not have Airtel money and Mpamba accounts. All payments are made to the Bank and each student is assigned an account number which will be made available in the admission letter. Selected candidates, parents and guardians are therefore cautioned not to engage themselves in any financial obligations other than those stated in the admission letter whose banking details are also stated therein. Names of the selected candidates have been provided in the attachment below.

For further information please contact the Registrar’s office through email:


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Kanjaye in Continental anthology
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Kanjaye in Continental anthology
A final year student of Journalism and Media Studies at the University of Malawi—the Polytechnic, Tamanda Kanjaye’s short story A Change in Sleeping Arrangements, has been selected to feature into an upcoming anthology for young African Writers.