In Case You Missed It

Poly in Nancholi rejuvenation
November 4, 2019, Chikondi Chingota
Poly in Nancholi rejuvenation

Featured Biography

P.E M'banga
Rev P.E M'banga - Chaplain

Capitalising Technology

News   Chikondi Chingota   November 6, 2019
PIC: Participants at the function
The Polytechnic Computing and Information Technology Society (POCITS) on Friday the 1st of November 2019 conducted a motivational event whose aim was to empower Information Technology students at The Polytechnic.

The function took place at the Polytechnic WET building under the theme ‘Capitalising Technology’.

The Chairperson of the society Pofera Zimba narrated that the society was formed in order to enable sharing of skills among the students and to encourage the innovation spirit in the students.

“This society was formed as an interface, we use this to interact and help each other out when we get into the industry, “said Zimba.

As the name of the theme suggests the event was to empower students on how best they can use technology to financially boost themselves.

Blessings Chisenga who studied Computer Science at Chancellor College and now the Managing Director and the founder of Virtual Tech Company together with Clifford Liche who studied Management Information Systems (BIT) at the Polytechnic and is now working with the National Bank of Malawi were the main speakers.

The first to present was Chisenga who explained the importance of teamwork and practicing.

“As a student practice first, whatever you want to be good at you need to practice as much as possible,” urged Chisenga.

He continued to explain more on team work on which he said; “Team work helps people with different skills to develop something that you can financially benefit from, for example a developer will need someone good at analysing computer systems to help develop the project, thus emphasizing the importance of team work,” explained Chisenga.     

Later, Liche on his part explained more about the importance of being dynamic in the Information Technology industry. 

“You need to adjust yourself to the environment you are in, the technology needed at the hospital cannot be the same to that used at the bank, therefore you have to be creative,” urged Luche.

This was the first meeting of POCITS members this semester. 


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