Communicators select new leaders

News   Hazviperi Mbizi   April 3, 2020
PIC: Members of SOBCS during one of the secondary school visits
The Society of Business Communication Students (SOBCS) at the Polytechnic, in line with the SOBCS constitution, held elections to select new office bearers of the subsequent term.

The positions which were contested on were the President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Secretary and four Committee Members.

 A third year Bachelor of Business Communication student Peter Jiya won the presidency while Kelvin Phiri is the Vice president, Tionge Ligowe is the Publicity Secretary, Wezzie Mtawali is the General Secretary and Sarah Chirwa was voted the treasurer.

In his remarks, the incumbent president Peter Jiya, vowed to continue with the activities which the outgoing committee together with their patron had implemented.

“Apart from the usual activities, I would like to link up with the corporate world so that most of them should know the existence of this program and should engage the students on what is really on the ground before they graduate,” Jiya said.

The elections also saw the Language and Communications lecturer Mafumu Matiki replacing a fellow lecturer in the same department, Dr Murendehle Juwayeyi as patron of the society.

In his remarks, the out going patron, Dr Juwayeyi, explained that in line with the society’s mission which aims at creating a platform for developing skills and applying knowledge to bridge the communication gap and set standards for effective communication, they organized a number of activities to achieve this goal.

“We had the usual meetings, but we also had a Career Talk that was attended by professionals from MACRA, MRA including the Director General of MBC who came by and spoke briefly,’’ he said.

Dr Juwayeyi added that they had educational visits at Mulanje and Liwonde Secondary Schools where they conducted motivational talks to students there.

“The Mulanje trip Career Talk took place when Jaquiline Ndindi, Mercy Nkhandwe, Linda Khunto, Elizabeth Hara, and Chifuniro Mawindo were in the lead. It was by far the best committee I worked with in my time as patron,” he recalled.

He further added that Happy Mwaungulu, from another committee, was instrumental in organizing the Liwonde trip.

The former patron concluded that the Committee elected now is awesome because it has representatives from all classes.


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