Electrical Engineering Students develop mosquito-killer-device

News   Chapter Banda   November 19, 2018
PIC: Hope (L) and Clement (R) presenting Mosqi-Killer device during Engineering Symposium at Crossroads Hotel in Blantyre.
Two final year students from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic, have developed a device called mosqui killer which will be used to kill mosquitoes.

The two students namely, Hope Kelvin Chilunga and Clement Misomali who are both studying Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Computer Engineering, came up with the idea after Clement showed negative side effects after using mosquito nets. When he later opted for the mosquito repellents he could not afford them because they proved to be expensive.

The device has been designed and manufactured in a way that mosquitoes will be attracted by a LED Blue light Bulb and then an electrical fan will trap and kill them.

According to Hope Kelvin Chilunga, being engineering students is one of their tasks of finding sustainable solutions to current problems that Malawi is facing in the health sector.

“We thought of coming up with sustainable solutions to current health problems in Malawi through the skills we have been equipped here at the Polytechnic. As you know, mosquitoes are causative agents of malaria disease which has killed a lot of Malawians in recent years and it is still affecting us negatively hence affecting our economy,” Chilunga said.

Chilunga added that for them to come up with the Mosqui killer device they did a thorough research concerning mosquitoes and the environment.

“We did a research where we established that mosquitoes are attracted by the blue light; this is the reason why we included a blue light bulb to attract them,” he added.

Chilunga continued to say that at first their device was only using direct electricity from the main source of 12-volts but now they have improved it by including a mini solar panel and reducing number of volts to a 9-volts reachable battery.

Chilunga further said they have improved the device in order to accommodate those who live in remote areas to use it.

The mosqui killer device is totally different from the other mosquitoes repellents and insecticides in such a way that ;it is user friendly, consumes less power, uses solar and electricity, and it is cost-effective.

The device has been made by using electronics such as capacitors, a LED diode and an electrical fan, a reachable battery of 9-volt and mini solar panel.

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