In Case You Missed It

Encouraging female students pursue science programmes
September 11, 2017, Lusungu Munthali
Encouraging female students pursue science programmes

Featured Biography

Gertrude Sitolo
Dr Gertrude Sitolo - Director of Student Affairs

First SMS Promotion winners identified

News   Hazviperi Mbizi   August 19, 2019
PIC: Chikafa after getting his prize from organisers
The first and second draws for The Poly Needy SMS Promotion, that were conducted on August 15th at the Polytechnic ODL building, saw six individuals getting away with various monetary prizes.

Those who won the first prizes of K50, 000 each were unidentified individual who did not pick up his call, cellphone number 0996139030 and Nelson Chikafa a Polytechnic student studying Bachelor of arts in Education and Business Studies, second year.

Speaking during the prize giving ceremony, Chikafa expressed his excitement for being one of the lucky winners of the promotion, which aims at helping the needy students as well.

“Me being one of the less privileged students, this money will help me to sustain myself. This also shows that the public have participated but would like to encourage those who haven’t subscribed yet to do so,” Chikafa said.

One of the organizers Japhet Nthala explained that they have evidence that people from all sectors are participating but the numbers are not impressive.

“We wish to urge the public to take part in this competition so that it should achieve its intended purpose,” Nthala added.

Gift Tautsi and Clara Manda from Manase and Chirimba in Blantyre won the second prize of K25, 000 each while Gasper Chidziko from Lilongwe and Gabriel Kunika from Chitipa won the last prize of K10,000 each.

Draws will be conducted fortnightly. To subscribe, one has to send ‘Yamba or Start’ to 2025 in both networks.

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