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Poly in Nancholi rejuvenation
November 4, 2019, Chikondi Chingota
Poly in Nancholi rejuvenation

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Gertrude Sitolo
Dr Gertrude Sitolo - Director of Student Affairs

Kaluzi shines spotlight on entrepreneurship

News   Hazviperi Mbizi   February 19, 2019
PIC: Joseph Kaluzi
A third year Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Technology at The University of Malawi— the Polytechnic, Joseph Kaluzi has advised his fellow students to use the skills they learn from school by engaging in entrepreneurship.

Kaluzi, who is the founder of JK Designs Company, has worked with a number of organizations, institutions and individuals within and outside the Polytechnic campus. He has designed items like t-shirts, posters and many more.

Speaking in an interview with Poly News, apart from being a University Student Joseph explained that he finds time to do graphic designing which he says helps him to support his family.

“I learned graphic designing in a day from Kennedy Manda who taught me the basics. I took an initiative to learn by myself through the internet tutorials,” he explained.

Kaluzi also works as a Master of Ceremonies in events which tops up in supporting him financially.

“I believe that everybody can do anything the sky is never the limit. Students need to work hard in order to achieve goals,” he advised.

A Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering third year student, Neal Kambeta who is also the Polytechnic Student Union (PSU) General Secretary (GS), described Kaluzi as a young and ambitious entrepreneur with good morals.

“The fact that he holds no paper over his work but still produces quality work is very impressive,” Kambeta said

The PSU GS added that as a publicity Secretary of PSU Kaluzi puts a good image in his artistic work because in his field he understand what needs to be presented. He concluded by saying that he is a true definition of a true artist and a product of the Polytechnic.

A producer of an Entrepreneurship program on ATV Emmanuel Kaliwo has invited Kaluzi on several occasions to speak on the program.

“I noticed that he has a good understanding of the entrepreneurship and he is actually a practical example unlike those who are theory based,” Kaliwo said.

Kaluzi plans to venture into photography, farming and on top of that he is also doing music.

He advised his fellow students that there is no better time to practice what they learn but they need to do it now. 

“We might get exposure and experience while we are in College. Students should also be open to learn new talents which can be developed and invested,” he concluded.

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