In Case You Missed It

November 26, 2024, Registrar
2024/2025 Intake for Economic Fee Paying, Extended Degree, Mature and Upgrading, Diploma and Open Distance and e-Learning (ODe-L)

Featured Biography

Mr Lloyd Kambwiri - University Registrar


Academic   Postgraduate Department   November 5, 2021

The Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS), School of Engineering is inviting applications for the following Postgraduate Programmes which will commence in April, 2022.

The programme has pathways in Facilities and Water. Applicants for the Facilities pathway must have a Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of a strong pass (55% to 59%). 

Applicants for the Water pathway must have a Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of a strong pass (55% to 59%). 

Successful applicants will be required to pay a tuition fee of US$6,500 (Paid in Malawi Kwacha equivalent). The programme duration is 2 years offered on block release and non-residential basis.


A complete Masters Programme application package MUST INCLUDE: 

  1. A completed application form and CV; 
  2. 1 Academic Reference letter and 1 professional reference letter; 
  3. Certified /Sealed academic transcript; 
  4. Certified copies of original certificates by a Commissioner of Oaths or Lawyer or the University from which the candidate graduated.
  5. A non-refundable application fee of MK10, 000 for Malawian applicants and USD25.00 for international students; 

Application fees must be paid to the following bank account:

Account name: Polytechnic Revenue

Bank: National Bank, Chichiri Branch

Account number: 737461

Swift Code: NBMAMWMW


You can email your application along with accompanying documents to:


You can send your physical application to the following address:

The Registrar

Office of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies


Private Bag 303


Blantyre 3

Closing Date for receiving applications is Monday, 23rd December, 2021.


Application Forms can be downloaded from the MUBAS website: .For more information Contact the Postgraduate Office as follows: Tel + (265) 1 870 648/0999 968 971 OR Email:;



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