Mining made easy

News   Hazviperi Mbizi   January 30, 2020
PIC: Engineering staff members during the workshop
The Department of Mining Engineering at the Polytechnic, conducted a training workshop for its staff members for the first consignment of laboratory and field equipment that was procured through the Skills Development Project (SDP).

The installation and training of the geochemical equipment was conducted in the Mining Department Geochemistry Laboratory from January 6 to 9, 2020. 

According to one of the participants Gift Tsokonombwe, the aim of the workshop was to equip the lecturers and laboratory technicians with the knowledge on how they can operate these machines.

This first set of equipment was supplied by WAGTECH and it includes geochemical/metallurgical and geophysical equipment. Specifically, the geochemistry equipment that was delivered include analytical balance, pH and dissolved oxygen meters. 

“The coming in of these pieces of the equipment will create enabling environment for students to apply the theoretical knowledge they gain in class into the real world hands on through the use of the equipment during practical sessions and projects,” he said.

Tsokonombwe added that the practical experience coupled with the learned theory would lead to competent graduating students who could contribute significantly in the development of mining and geotechnical sectors in Malawi.

Under the same consignment, resistivity geophysical equipment which will be used to measure subsurface resistivity was also delivered. Installation and training of the resistivity meter was conducted at the Polytechnic football ground on January 13, 2020. 

Surface electrical resistivity meter is a geophysical surveying equipment that measures the electrical potential of electrodes that are inserted into the ground in a line between the two current electrodes.

The equipment will also assist lecturers in conducting research which is one of their core duties.  The equipment will be available to the general public at a small fee thereby reducing the gap of equipment shortage in mining and geotechnical sectors.  


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