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Poly hosts Robotic Challenge
December 18, 2019, Hazviperi Mbizi
Poly hosts Robotic Challenge

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Mr Lloyd Kambwiri - University Registrar

MUBAS Student develops a TV App

News   Joseph Ulemu   July 22, 2021
PIC: Nangwiya
A second-year Bachelor of Science, Information and Technology student, Emmanuel Nangwiya, has developed an application (App) that allows android phone users access Television Channels.

 The App called Kanema, which can now be downloaded on and put to use, has been designed for users to watch live Television news on channels both the local and international.

Speaking in an interview, Emmanuel said “I’m happy that I’m working on an App that is not only to benefit me but also everyone across the country and beyond. As the developer of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, said ‘Ideas don’t come out fully formed, but only unfold as we work on them’, I’m currently doing research to help me come up with a more categorized version that will, besides TV, accommodate radio stations and digitised print media”

When asked on how people and media outlets will benefit from the App, Emmanuel said everyone with Android phones will be able to watch TV Channels when they have internet bundles.

He went further to say that the App will also help Media houses have a wider range of audiences as access to information through TV platforms is to be limitless. Finally, many business entities including internet service providers will increase their customer base.

“Let me take an opportunity to encourage my fellow ICT students to make the best of whatever they acquire in this course. Let’s think of workable ideas and make something out of those ideas” Added Emmanuel.

 Meanwhile, the student has partnered with two other people to help him in other areas. He says currently they have lawyers working with various TV stations as regards the App lest they be wrongly thought of as pirates.

Emmanuel has however asked people of good will to help him either financially or with innovative ideas into his research to scale greater heights of scientific breakthroughs. 





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