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Drone genius wins five awards worldwide
March 26, 2019, Hazviperi Mbizi
Drone genius wins five awards worldwide

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Gertrude Sitolo
Dr Gertrude Sitolo - Director of Student Affairs

Poly project team wins grant

News   Hazviperi Mbizi   August 6, 2020
PIC: Dr Faidess Mwale (Project Country leader)
University of Malawi, The Polytechnic team of lecturers from Civil Engineering and Environmental Health departments have been successful in the bid for the Global Challenge Research Fund (GCRF) Digital Innovation for Development in Africa (DIDA) Networking Grant for the project known as OVERCOME.

The total funded value for the project is £134,894.

According to the project’s country leader Dr Faidess Mwale, the aim of the project; digital innOVation in climatE hazaRd early warning and related disease prevention for COMmunity capacity building and rEsilience also known as OVERCOME is to employ digital technologies to forecasting the impact of floods, droughts and associated disease outbreaks in the country.

This bid was done in collaboration with University of Exeter Lead Research Organization, Mozambique National Institute of Meteorology, Chinhoyi University of Technology, University of Zimbabwe and University of Ghana

“This project will also develop digital solutions that will improve the resilience of vulnerable communities against climatic disasters and associated health risks.” Dr Mwale explained.

The Project Team consists of Dr Faidess Mwale (Country Leader), Associate Professor Geoffrey Chavula, Mr Sylvester Chikabvumbwa (Civil Engineering Department) and Dr Christabel Kambala (Environmental Health Department)

Project Partners include; Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, Ministry of Health, Department of Disaster Management Affairs and Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services.


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