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Polytechnic's Electrical Engineering Lecturer shines in South Korea

News   Harris Chimatiro   September 26, 2017
PIC: Nkoloma explaining how his inventions work
The Polytechnic has proven to be a centre of research and innovation in Malawi and abroad as many of its scholars have managed to contribute tangible and workable ideas on a global scale

Mayamiko Nkoloma, a young Electrical Engineering lecturer at the college is one of the participants at this year’s ITU Telecoms World event in Busan, South Korea.

Nkoloma is showcasing several of his inventions including a water management system. This is a state-of-art innovative solution that assists the Lilongwe Water Board in knowing the trends of remote water infrastructure right in front of their workstations or mobile phones in real time.

The innovation monitors water tank levels in 22 storage tanks across Lilongwe city and other zones under Lilongwe Water Board’s control. It also monitors water flow rates in distribution pipe network and this aspect assists in quantifying production volumes and provides critical indication of leakage levels during periods when legitimate consumption is at its lowest.

On the other hand, Nkoloma is also behind the e-health system for TB community intervention in Malawi and he is working with the National TB Control Programme present in 12 health facilities across the country. This is aimed at improving health care delivery and decision making which further facilitates coordination and care of TB patients.

The innovation, according to Nkoloma, has enhanced the current system to enable tracking of the flow of TB samples from the community level up to point of treatment initiation.

Nkoloma has a Master of Science degree in Wireless Communication from University of Sheffield in United Kingdom and also holds Master of Technology degree in advanced Information Technology specializing in Telecommunications and Networking from International Institute of Information and Technology (I²IT) in Pune, India.

ITU Telecom World is a global platform for high-level debate, networking, innovation showcasing and knowledge sharing across the ICT community. It offers a unique international platform for small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurs to connect with policy makers as well as industry experts in order to explore investment opportunities, share and sell ideas for the good of their respective nations and the globe at large.

Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) funded Nkoloma’s participation at the conference as one way of encouraging innovation and promoting ICTs in Malawi.

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