In Case You Missed It

NEF recognizes Ex-Poly Dean of Engineering
October 22, 2018, Chapter Banda & Mercy Garnet
NEF recognizes Ex-Poly Dean of Engineering

Featured Biography

P.E M'banga
Rev P.E M'banga - Chaplain

repost economic fee-paying, extended Degree programmes and open distance E-learning intake for the 2022/2023 academic year

Academic   Registry   August 13, 2022

The Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) invitesapplications from suitably qualified candidates for admission into itsEconomic Fee-Paying, Extended Degree Programmes and Open andDistance e-Learning for the 2022-2023 academic year. For ExtendedDegree Programmes (EDPs), an additional year of study (FoundationYear) is added to a mainstream degree programme. This extra year isused to prepare students, by means of additional academic support,for specific mainstream subjects and for university studies in general.

the deadline for receiving apllications is 19th August. 

Also in the news

Second placed Poly Hockey
May 27, 2019, Hazviperi Mbizi
Second placed Poly Hockey
The Polytechnic male Hockey team has won a Silver medal during the College Indoor Hockey Tournament, which took place at the Domasi College of Education in Zomba.