Universities benefit from SDP project

News   Chikondi Chingota   December 9, 2019
PIC: The honourable Minister, Dr Susuwere pose with Prof Kululanga and other delegates
The Malawi Polytechnic on Friday, December 6 2019, hosted a dissemination workshop which the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) together with relevant sectors were celebrating the conclusion of the Skills Development Project.

The event which took place at the newly constructed building under this project called the ‘School of Engineering’ had the Minister of Education, Science and Technology Dr William Susuwele Banda as the Guest of Honour.

The Project which started five years ago had received US$46 million from the World Bank to be used, which would help the country to equip young people with the skills needed for jobs in high-priority sectors in the country’s steadily growing economy.

Five years down the line there has been significant infrastructural improvement around various universities around the country like the Polytechnic, Chancellor College, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) and Mzuzu University. All the stakeholders and beneficiaries were present at the event to honour the occasion.

The Minister Dr William Susuwele Banda in his remarks expressed his delight in the conclusion of the project and how it will help the nation.

“There is a wealth of research and analysis showing that higher education can lift people out of poverty and social exclusion,” said the Minister.

The Minister also explained the significance the project to the students; “Higher Education is an important investment in the future of an individual and the country, for individuals it opens doors to better paying jobs, provides opportunities and expands career choices.”

“Higher education graduates are the strongest contributors to the tax revenues that sustain the key programs and social services provided by the government,” stated the minister.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of NCHE DR. Ignasio Malizani Jimu in his remarks emphasized the importance of the occasion and the magnitude of the achievement.

“6th December shall be remembered by all the participating institutions, and the National Council for Higher Education as the day we gathered together to showcase the achievements under the Skills Development Project,” stated Dr Jimu. “We are glad that the government entrusted to the counsel the responsibility to coordinate the Project, which in our own judgement has been performed well, “expressed the Chief executive.

The Polytechnic Principal Professor Grant Kululanga in his remarks commended the government and NCHE in the role they played in the project.

“I want to thank the government of Malawi through the Ministry of Educational, Science and Technology for taking us this far; that the Polytechnic is able to widen its access through the SDP Project to close to 2000 students,” said Professor Kululanga.

“This Project was special, different from other projects that we have had where you were just given the money and you (would) continue rolling out the various activities but this one was based on results justifications and NCHE was able to give us that,” highlighted the Principal.

One of the beneficiaries of the project, a Geo-Mechanics PHD holder Innocent Kafodya also collaborated with the earlier speeches in how the project will benefit the youth.

“Most beneficiaries are young and vibrant men and women, the vision of Malawi to achieve high and quality education is indeed achievable.” “These young men and women shall easily be integrated into the plans of the Malawi nation,” said Kafodya.

Later, the Minister presented the new Higher Education Management Information Systems (HEMIS) and Students Financing Management Information Systems (SFMIS) to the beneficiaries that will help orchestrate activities easier in the higher education.

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