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Merging theory with practice
September 25, 2019, Hazviperi Mbizi
Merging theory with practice

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Dorothy Eneya
Dr Dorothy Eneya - University Librarian

MUBAS reaches out to Secondary School Students

Article   Lucy Isaac   February 22, 2024
PIC: Students listening to the presentation

October 2023 was another unique month for the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences (MUBAS) as it conducted a nation-wide career guidance sensitization exercise, an initiative aiming at sensitizing secondary school students of the diverse and dynamic programmes on offer at the University. The focus of the sensitization was on the programmes’ respective entry requirements and the vast career prospects. 

The exercise was made possible with funding from World Bank through the Skills for A Vibrant Economy (SAVE) project. The sensitization programme reached out to over 8000 secondary school students from the 36-secondary visited which included government, mission and private secondary schools across the country. 

According to Ellius Chizimba who is the Deputy Registrar for Marketing and Communication at MUBAS, the initiative provided an opportunity for students to know the programmes entry requirements and also the attendant career prospects for the programmes. The sensitization did not only helped to equip students with information to enable them make informed choices with regard to their career paths but also enlightened them on which institutions they can apply to after completion of secondary school studies.  

“The initiative not only addresses the academic aspect but also considers the broader perspective of career prospects associated with each program that MUBAS offers. We sensitized the students on all the programmes available at MUBAS through the generic intake by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), the Extended Degree Programme, the Mature Entry, the courses available at the Institute for Continuing Education (ICE), and professional programmes offered by Management Development Centre (MDC)”, said Chizimba.

During the tour, the University distributed programme flyers and University-branded items to the students as tangible reminders for students, strengthening the guidance received during career talks in addition to donating lanyards to students as a way of motivating them.


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