In Case You Missed It

2017 Malawi Innovators Design Competition
November 7, 2017, Harris Chimatiro
2017 Malawi Innovators Design Competition

Featured Biography

Gertrude Sitolo
Dr Gertrude Sitolo - Director of Student Affairs

MUBAS through WASHTED research Center provides relief to cyclone Anna victims

News   Pangano Baluwa   April 5, 2022
PIC: WASHTED team delivering the relief items
the Center for Water, Sanitation, Health and Appropriate Technology Development WASHTED, a research Center at MUBAS provided relief items to victims who were affected with Cyclone Ana in Chikwawa district.

A total of 1180 households were targeted of which 748 were from Kasinthula- Kapasule camp in TA Maseya and 432 from Mwanajobvu-khungubwe camp in TA Ngowe. Items costing 10,500,000.00 Malawi Kwacha were distributed in the form of maize flour, beans, soya pieces, salt, chlorine, buckets, and black plastic sheets. 

Each camp received 25 kgs of Chlorine to help with water disinfection, while each household received the following items: 10 kgs of maize flour1 kg of beans, seven packets of soya pieces, 1 packet of salt, 20-liter bucket, 10meters of black plastic sheet. 

An officer from Chikwawa District Council and a representative of the disaster response team for providing technical support Mr Chiku Milinyu said “a special thanks to Dr Tracy Morse and well-wishers from Scotland who mobilised funds for the activity, the WASHTED team; Dr Masangwi, Dr. K. Chidziwisano, Mr. S. Amos and Mr. K.  Luwe for coordinating the relief efforts.

Earlier this year tropical cyclone ana developed and made a landfall on the Mozambique coast and later proceeded for Malawi where it caused torrential rains over most areas of the country with highest rainfall amounts recorded in the southern region. Apart from the heavy rains, the cyclone brought with it strong winds, caused floods and structural damages; some roads and bridges were cut-off. The cyclone also caused injuries to 158 people, 37 deaths, displaced 22,364 households and 20 people went missing. Most deaths (35%), missing people (95%) and displacements (45%) were from Chikwawa.


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